
Published Papers

Pac, Jessica. (2017) “The Effect of Monthly Stipend on the Placement Instability of Youth in Out-Of-Home CareChildren and Youth Services Review, 72, 111-123

Pac, Jessica, Waldfogel, Jane, and Wimer, Christopher. (2017) “Poverty among Foster Children: Estimates Using the Supplemental Poverty MeasureSocial Service Review, 91(1), 8-40

Pac, Jessica, Nam, Jae Hyun, Waldfogel, Jane, and Wimer, Christopher. (2017) “Young Child Poverty in the United States: Analyzing Trends in Poverty and the Role of Anti-Poverty Programs Using the Supplemental Poverty Measure” Children and Youth Services Review, 74, 35-49


Under Review

Bartel, Ann, Pac, Jessica, Ruhm, Christopher, and Waldfogel, Jane. “Understanding the Effects of California’s Paid Family Leave Law on Breastfeeding” (under review at the American Journal of Health Economics)

NBER working paper # 25784

HCEO working paper #2019-031

Pac, Jessica, Nolan, Laura, Wimer, Christopher, Nam, Jae Hyun, Garfinkel, Irwin, Kaushal, Neeraj, and Waldfogel, Jane. “State Policy and Child Poverty: Simulating the Impact of a Race to the Top” (under review at Children and Youth Services Review)

Pac, Jessica. “ECEC Programs in the United States: Does Access Improve Child Safety?” (under review at Social Service Review)


Working Papers

Pac, Jessica. “The Effect of Medicaid on Child Maltreatment: Evidence from Early Expansions in California”

Pac, Jessica. “Hot Tempered: New Evidence on Temperature and Child Maltreatment”

Pac, Jessica, Glied, Sherry, and Waldfogel, Jane. “Early Identification of Child Maltreatment using Machine Learning: A Medicaid Claims Application”

 Pac, Jessica, Wimer, Chris, Waldfogel, Jane “Effects of Medicaid expansion on health insurance coverage and poverty among adults with health challenges”

Pac, Gregory, and Pac, Jessica. “Reducing Young Adult Smoking: Evidence from New York State”

Pac, Jessica. “Iodine Deficiency and Human Capital: Shifting the Curve?”